Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Business 2.0 :: Online Article :: Wireless Report :: Music Calling, Courtesy of Yahoo

It has finally arrived- over 1 year after I described this exact scenario to the PM of Yahoo Launch who dismissed the idea out of hand. What an unbelievable jackass.

Lending Standards Plumb New Lows :: KarmaBanque :: what goes around, comes around

Bubble bubble toil and trouble.
This is the sort of anecdote from the front lines that cuts right to it.
When masses of people get rich quick- alarm bells should ring.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Slice: America's Favorite Pizza Weblog!: Una Pizza Napoletana: This Is Hardcore

Goin to this pizza joint in NYC this wknd and I can't hardly wait.
This guy clearly has got religion.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Morse code trumps SMS in head-to-head speed texting combat - Engadget - /

This is pretty fascinating.
I wonder if anybody is doing morse code w/2 buttons (long/short)?
Presumably that would be even faster.
I would love to see a cell phone w/1 button for morse code.
I bet kids would eat it up if given the oppty.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Agile Methodologies -

great resource on agile development from the makers of version1 software

Golden Gate Bridge: Fastrak & Tolls & Insanity

Irony of the day.
You can't change your creditcard info for fastrack online or via email.
You can't even see what cc they're billing. It isn't indicated on the billing statement either.
You have to fax or mail them your acct # and updated card info!
Most galling of all- they say it's in order to prevent fraud!!
They've really got their market figured out. People who are trying to use technology to shave seconds off of their commute really have the patience to lick a stamp. That is one confused enterprise.
And is even worse, avoid like the plague.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

TiVo chatting up Yahoo!, Google | PVRblog

I knew if I waited long enough somebody would do the work of spelling this out.

Tivo to $1B, c'mon Tivo, papa needs a new pair of shoes.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Top of Mind: Podcasting Offers A Sound Technique

Mentions karmabanque as an "Alternative take on business and financial news." HA! Alternative indeed! Obviously, this guy didn't listen to a show.

I helped them set up their podcast and promoted it on podcast alley by taking advantage of the fact that it could be classified under business where there are virtually no other podcasts, then got it a couple votes and boom, they're number one on podcast alley business (haven't checked in a while, this may have changed).

Who says the Internet isn't fun?


This is definitely power to the people.
Jotspot is a huge leap forward in user created web apps. It's like a greatest hits of productivity web apps (too many to list), but the real prize is the customizability.

Makes basecamp look pretty weak. But watchout, when they say "beta" they mean it, it's got bugs a plenty.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby ::

This is pure comic/programming genius (previously considered mutually exclusive).
I wish that I had found this before I spent all that time learning lame ass .Net
The writer has a great teaching style, he is tres funny.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Webjay - "Zoe's Radio Show" by iancr

I don't care what anybody says
14 year old girls are the best source for new music
they put in the time and effort that it takes

Latest News and Financial Information |

Real just annouced their "Real to go," wow, what a name???!!! Exactly the same as Napster, nothing new to add.

How about Real freedom? or Real portable? or Real mobile? No, let's just copy the competition. That's Real intelligent.
what is this "distribution contract with google" that they love to refer to?
they so want to get bought by google. can't blame them.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

The New York Times > Business > Your Money > The Oracle of Omaha's Latest Riddle

So I see this article that I want to read on the NYT but it costs money (yeah right, I'm paying) so I search on google for the title and of course the first result is the full article for free, but what is really odd is that it is on the NYT's site!

Monday, April 18, 2005

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Gmail: Help Center

secure gmail
not sure if it's necessary, but I'm using this as my default url for gmail
seems prudent, particularly now that I'm using wifi

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

EAST VS. WEST / Pizza Wars / Pie blitz sets out to prove to East Coast expert that any way you slice it, the Bay Area delivers

Didn't even go to pizzetta!!!???

Flickr: Photos from krup

alright, finally got flickr going
I also set it up to "splice" pics onto krupmaniac, we'll see how that works
meanwhile, here's the feedburner url for the flickr feed:

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Google Maps - pizza loc: 94117

Google is unbelievable.
They combined the satellite image w/their maps which was to be expected, but what is amazing is the quality and the speed w/which they got keyhole integrated

Monday, April 04, 2005

LIFE CACHING | An emerging consumer trend and related new business ideas

you won't want to miss the latest lifecaching report from trendwatching

Friday, April 01, 2005

The David Allen Company

printed up the pdf of this puppy and stuck to wall
GTD workflow

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Video News - Financial Video Reports

This is the best 6.5 minutes an investor can spend.
Peter Schiff summarizes his case for an inevitable DEPRESSION in a succinct, clear and credible video Q&A w/Forbes. The Long Emergency : Politics

a lucid dystopia
buy oil?

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Napster To Go: Review and Features Guide - Engadget -

Napster sounding rough, not too surprising- always a price to pay for rushing to market
I like this quote though:
Music no longer need be seen as an object, when it can more accurately be described as an experience. The iTunes pay-per-download model is still an object model. The Napster To Go model is an experience model, and some people are really going to dig that.

TiVoToGo on your PSP - Engadget -

Somebody inside Sling [ahem] should hack together a client for the PSP

Friday, March 25, 2005

Tags & Folksonomies - What are they, and why should you care? |

a nice little article about tags/folksonomies - The One-Stop Shop for the Bear Case

Serious dollar doom talk.

Here and Now : Radio's New Golden Age? - 3/18/2005

Here and Now : Radio's New Golden Age? - 3/18/2005: "Wired Magazine has predicted the end of radio as we know it, but they also say that we're on the edge of the golden age of radio."
Wired's Chris Anderson interviewed about podcasting and longtail.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Motorola’s E680i and E685 musicphones - Engadget -

They should call this phone the tease or the frustration
Why not here? Will somebody please explain this to me?

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Project management and task management software: Basecamp

This looks like a promising tool for web based project management- utilizes rss

Thursday, March 17, 2005 Users: krup

check it
community updated events, hmm

Webjay - " Kill Rock Stars: The Decemberists" by playthispage

lovin these guys
does clicking the link work?

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

MSNBC - Bottom Dollar

frontpage of newsweek- incredible shrinking dollar
lots of depressing articles and audio links

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Friday, March 11, 2005 -- Tagnorati: Technorati Tag Generator

This looks potentially useful. Still not clear on the value of technorati
Font size is a bit large, needs some tweaking

Powered by: Technorati Tag Generator

Google Press Center: Zeitgeist

Always good to look here, need to make it a weekly habit.
What in the hell is up w/"wallpaper" as the #1 tech query?
Any thoughts people?

Thursday, March 10, 2005

MSN Money - Housing mania will end in tears

This guy really captures the essence of the housing bubble.
Got to study what happened in Japan, there must be a good way to hedge against the burst, but what is it?

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Future of Music - music industry, music business, and free music downloads

looks like good site to track - Sony - Entertainment - Sony PSP Value Pack (PlayStation Portable)

I should've titled this, "the coolest crack pipe ever"
This thing is going to blow away the ipod. I mean exterminate it from memory, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind style.
I wish I could take back all of the hyperboles that I've ever utterred, and there have been many, this may be the killer app for electricity. Try to top that one.
I don't even play video games and I want one!
It's just so damn sexy. Mostly, I can't believe how cheap it is going to be- out of the gates at $240!!!?
Merry Xmas in March. This is going to be the ultimate pacifier for "the childrens."


Powered by: Technorati Tag Generator

Digit Wireless

Take the tour

Delivery Agent | Product Seen. Product Sold.

Well, somebody done went and did it.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Seth's Blog: The power of habit

This makes me think of a great idea for a restaurant.
Call it "Standing Order"
Take your basic biz area restaurant and really specialize in maintaining a regular schedule of delivery. Push heavily w/discounts, streamline it etc. It would greatly streamline the operations side, ordering, preparing etc.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Ohio's odd numbers

NeoCon Hitchens earns some serious cred by taking OH to task for it's blatant electoral mismanagement/fraud

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Bye-Bye, Housing Boom (

great summary of the housing boom

KarmaBanque Radio

A different perspective to say the least.
Keiser is like Adam Corolla with an MBA and a radical enviro-liberal agenda. - Everything Mod Is Neo Again

This is perfect for me and Robin

Sony promises one millions PSPs in stores on launch day - Engadget -

between this bad number sony's rolling out and all the crazy cool mp3 players (esp that one by hanbit), I say the ipod hegemony is about to end

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Engadget Interview: Elliott D. Frutkin, CEO of TimeTrax - Engadget -

Lots of interesting stuff in this one, esp near end re. drm and diff between sat and internet radio laws


interesting, but I think they're solving a problem that doesn't exist

Red Herring Blog: Holler about the dollar

Just more dollar bashing

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Music Archives:

useful blog for keeping up on music space

Boing Boing: Malcolm Gladwell's Blink

boingboing post about blink
facial muscle excerpt- tres interessant

Friday, February 25, 2005

The New York Times > Technology > For a Start-Up, Visions of Profit in Podcasting

Check out these biznitches.
In Mission. Founded Audio Blogger. Starting

small world

Entertaining bust on Friendster

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Anything Into Oil: Technological savvy could turn 600 million tons of turkey guts and other waste into 4 billion barrels of light Texas crude each yea

This is the best news I've read in years.
Hoping it measures up. Buffett's son is involved, that's something.

Docu-Blog/Steve's POV: Why Save Tivo?

some good points about tivo/iptv

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Julie Ritter Radio from Rhapsody
She's great- previously singer in Mary's Danish

Friday, February 18, 2005

How US suffers when the dollar falls |

Business 2.0 :: Online Article :: Tech Investor :: Overstock Is Oversold

OSTK CEO is a brilliant guy. Author, Hellweg is always right on. All aboard overstock.

The New York Times > Business > Media & Advertising > Big Investment in Comcast Doubles Buffett's Holding

This is interesting. The two smartest investors are both backing cable (and shorting the dollar). Do they know something I don't? Probably. But I'm gonna play devil's advocate anyway.
If people like their VOIP, then that is bad news for phone companies, but isn't their a latency issue?
Also, I don't think IPTV is 4 or 5 years away. I think that it is like 2 years away. Regardless, those 40% margins are coming down (yay) which isn't good for either industry's bottom lines. Satellite and phone compliment eachother pretty well to compete against cable. Throw Tivo and strangeberry in and you've got a contender.

I don't buy my arguments either, but I would avoid this fray altogether, just too hard to tell who (if either) is gonna win. I hope it's Municipal Wi-Max. Get something for them tax dollars. I'd save so much on Internet and Cable, I could buy a fancy Wi-Max phone and get rid of landline and cell phone. woohoo

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info: BlogThis

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info: BlogThis


eBay coming to TiVo | PVRblog

eBay coming to TiVo | PVRblog

OK, this is my first post using blogthis! firefox extension
this is going to make Brian, the only person reading this blog, mucho happy.

Anyway, check it out- ebay/tivo have a baby

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Monday, January 17, 2005

longtail evidence

from seth godin

gates makes gizmodo his sissy

Poor gizmodo, never had a chance against Bill, the master of PR
You've got to love the last line

karmabanque in NY SUN article in NY SUN

wal mart / wimax

I really hope Walmart isn't the one to pull this off.
It seems to me that McDonalds is in a much better position to provide this.

good tivo article

NYT tivo article
I think Tivo has more up it's sleeve then this article discusses.