Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Video News - Financial Video Reports

This is the best 6.5 minutes an investor can spend.
Peter Schiff summarizes his case for an inevitable DEPRESSION in a succinct, clear and credible video Q&A w/Forbes. The Long Emergency : Politics

a lucid dystopia
buy oil?

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Napster To Go: Review and Features Guide - Engadget -

Napster sounding rough, not too surprising- always a price to pay for rushing to market
I like this quote though:
Music no longer need be seen as an object, when it can more accurately be described as an experience. The iTunes pay-per-download model is still an object model. The Napster To Go model is an experience model, and some people are really going to dig that.

TiVoToGo on your PSP - Engadget -

Somebody inside Sling [ahem] should hack together a client for the PSP

Friday, March 25, 2005

Tags & Folksonomies - What are they, and why should you care? |

a nice little article about tags/folksonomies - The One-Stop Shop for the Bear Case

Serious dollar doom talk.

Here and Now : Radio's New Golden Age? - 3/18/2005

Here and Now : Radio's New Golden Age? - 3/18/2005: "Wired Magazine has predicted the end of radio as we know it, but they also say that we're on the edge of the golden age of radio."
Wired's Chris Anderson interviewed about podcasting and longtail.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Motorola’s E680i and E685 musicphones - Engadget -

They should call this phone the tease or the frustration
Why not here? Will somebody please explain this to me?

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Project management and task management software: Basecamp

This looks like a promising tool for web based project management- utilizes rss

Thursday, March 17, 2005 Users: krup

check it
community updated events, hmm

Webjay - " Kill Rock Stars: The Decemberists" by playthispage

lovin these guys
does clicking the link work?

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

MSNBC - Bottom Dollar

frontpage of newsweek- incredible shrinking dollar
lots of depressing articles and audio links

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Friday, March 11, 2005 -- Tagnorati: Technorati Tag Generator

This looks potentially useful. Still not clear on the value of technorati
Font size is a bit large, needs some tweaking

Powered by: Technorati Tag Generator

Google Press Center: Zeitgeist

Always good to look here, need to make it a weekly habit.
What in the hell is up w/"wallpaper" as the #1 tech query?
Any thoughts people?

Thursday, March 10, 2005

MSN Money - Housing mania will end in tears

This guy really captures the essence of the housing bubble.
Got to study what happened in Japan, there must be a good way to hedge against the burst, but what is it?

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Future of Music - music industry, music business, and free music downloads

looks like good site to track - Sony - Entertainment - Sony PSP Value Pack (PlayStation Portable)

I should've titled this, "the coolest crack pipe ever"
This thing is going to blow away the ipod. I mean exterminate it from memory, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind style.
I wish I could take back all of the hyperboles that I've ever utterred, and there have been many, this may be the killer app for electricity. Try to top that one.
I don't even play video games and I want one!
It's just so damn sexy. Mostly, I can't believe how cheap it is going to be- out of the gates at $240!!!?
Merry Xmas in March. This is going to be the ultimate pacifier for "the childrens."


Powered by: Technorati Tag Generator

Digit Wireless

Take the tour

Delivery Agent | Product Seen. Product Sold.

Well, somebody done went and did it.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Seth's Blog: The power of habit

This makes me think of a great idea for a restaurant.
Call it "Standing Order"
Take your basic biz area restaurant and really specialize in maintaining a regular schedule of delivery. Push heavily w/discounts, streamline it etc. It would greatly streamline the operations side, ordering, preparing etc.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Ohio's odd numbers

NeoCon Hitchens earns some serious cred by taking OH to task for it's blatant electoral mismanagement/fraud

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Bye-Bye, Housing Boom (

great summary of the housing boom

KarmaBanque Radio

A different perspective to say the least.
Keiser is like Adam Corolla with an MBA and a radical enviro-liberal agenda. - Everything Mod Is Neo Again

This is perfect for me and Robin

Sony promises one millions PSPs in stores on launch day - Engadget -

between this bad number sony's rolling out and all the crazy cool mp3 players (esp that one by hanbit), I say the ipod hegemony is about to end

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Engadget Interview: Elliott D. Frutkin, CEO of TimeTrax - Engadget -

Lots of interesting stuff in this one, esp near end re. drm and diff between sat and internet radio laws


interesting, but I think they're solving a problem that doesn't exist

Red Herring Blog: Holler about the dollar

Just more dollar bashing