Friday, February 18, 2005

The New York Times > Business > Media & Advertising > Big Investment in Comcast Doubles Buffett's Holding

This is interesting. The two smartest investors are both backing cable (and shorting the dollar). Do they know something I don't? Probably. But I'm gonna play devil's advocate anyway.
If people like their VOIP, then that is bad news for phone companies, but isn't their a latency issue?
Also, I don't think IPTV is 4 or 5 years away. I think that it is like 2 years away. Regardless, those 40% margins are coming down (yay) which isn't good for either industry's bottom lines. Satellite and phone compliment eachother pretty well to compete against cable. Throw Tivo and strangeberry in and you've got a contender.

I don't buy my arguments either, but I would avoid this fray altogether, just too hard to tell who (if either) is gonna win. I hope it's Municipal Wi-Max. Get something for them tax dollars. I'd save so much on Internet and Cable, I could buy a fancy Wi-Max phone and get rid of landline and cell phone. woohoo


Blouis said...

shutup and buy a phone you big pussy

Krup said...

I'm not a big pussy.
I'm big boned :)